Gritch County Water Authority compact logo Gritch County Water Authority compact logo


Gritch County Water Authority (GCWA) was established in 1989 with approval from the Caburina Pollution Control Agency (CPCA) to manage the Power Creek Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) and the Taupe Towers Lane Water Treatment Plant (WTP).

For over 35 years, GCWA has served the community of Kent, as well as the Armaston, Dredack, Largent, Miccaston, Masterville, Mansgold, Mitchell, Robertson, and Wotton townships.

GCWA provides clean drinking water and treats wastewater at an exceptional rate, and has received a Diamond certification from the Cebulina Rural Water Association for 12 years in a row, meaning that neither the Power Creek WPCP nor the Taupe Towers Lane WTP has violated its permit limits at either in that time period.

GCWA also provides up-to-date training opportunities for its employees, and has committed to a two-year program for all new operators to achieve their Class 2 certification. Lab training and certification is also mandatory for operators at both the Power Creek wastewater treatment plant and at the drinking water treatment plant. GCWA sends representatives to conferences every year for additional training.


GCWA is always hiring! There are positions available at various levels of leadership at both the Power Creek WPCP and the Taupe Towers Lane WTP. To submit an application, please or on social media.


In 2008, GCWA experienced a series of plant failures which resulted in major outfall spills from the Taupe Towers Lane WTP due to extremely high ammonia and potassium in drinking water. Following this, GCWA failed to properly report the incidents to the public. As a result, forty-seven (47) people died, one hundred and twenty-six (126) people were hospitalized, and four (4) children were born with serious health defects.

In 2013, a class action lawsuit concluded against the GCWA and an industrial user, Mhunck Chemical. In the ruling the U.S. Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit required GCWA and Mhunck Chemical to begin outreach efforts to minimize agricultural runoff and nutrient overload in its facilities as well as pay damages to the families of the survivors for the harm caused by the failure to treat the drinking water. GCWA and Mhunck Chemical worked tirelessly in the aftermath of the incident. GCWA's ongoing non-violation status at both plants speaks for itself.

Mhunck Chemical restructured as Mhunck Digital and continues to work closely with GCWA as required by the conditions of the Eighth Circuit ruling to ensure that similar incidents never occur again. Additional information and documents can be found under the Archive tab.

This information has been included to comply with Condition 29b of the ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit:
3/19/2013 Erica Sandison v. Gritch County Water Authority and Mhunck Chemical U.S. Court of Appeals Case No. 08-1023.