GCWA ARCHIVE ID / FCT: C5550E493 / 8CCAP-149.1
RUN DATES: 5/3/2011 - 2/1/2013
ALT TEXT: A Mhunck Chemical ad that reads, "Mom said it's everyone's turn on the gobslotch" is taped to a white background. Handwritten text overlaid reads, "This is how they used to advertise to you. Why couldn't we see what they were doing to us? Look at them now."
This request for class action members was placed in various publications. It is included in GCWA's archive at the requirement of Condition 29c of the 3/19/2013 Erica Sandison v. Gritch County Water Authority and Mhunck Chemical U.S. Court of Appeals Case No. 08-1023 ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit.
GCWA ARCHIVE ID / FCT: C5550E493 / 8CCAP-149.1
RUN DATES: 5/3/2011 - 2/1/2013
A Mhunck Chemical ad that reads, "Mom said it's everyone's turn on the gobslotch" is taped to a white background. Handwritten text overlaid reads, "This is how they used to advertise to you. Why couldn't we see what they were doing to us? Look at them now."
This request for class action members was placed in various publications. It is included in GCWA's archive at the requirement of Condition 29c of the 3/19/2013 Erica Sandison v. Gritch County Water Authority and Mhunck Chemical U.S. Court of Appeals Case No. 08-1023 ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit.